You've Been Lied to About the Bible. What You Think is in the Bible, May Not Be.

You were born into a ready-made world of religion. When you came into the world, religion was all wrapped up in a beautiful package. You cheerfully accepted this package without question or reservation. The validity of what was in the package was never questioned! As time went on, you developed a certain amount of pride and confidence about what was in your package, as the package was beautiful on the outside. Eventually, you accepted this package as absolute truth. This website is about opening the package of mainstream Christianity and examining what’s on the inside through Bible answers. You may be looking at this information for the first time in your life. Sometimes, learning more about God is merely unlearning what someone else has taught you about God. There is no need to get offended or upset about these Bible questions and answers. We’re all after the same thing, and that is truth.

Sabbath Sermon with David Freeman

Find the Wrong in Everyone

Find the wrong in everyone, convince them of their wrongdoing and lead them to real change or repentance by showing them a better way. By doing so the world will be a better place for all to live.


8 Assumptions that nearly every Christian makes.

Think Your Minister Knows His Bible? Think Again.

What your minister refuses to admit about the Bible.

Weekly Programs

How to Avoid the Man Whore

How to Avoid the Man Whore

When it comes to dating, you want to avoid the man whore. Find out how to avoid the man whore so that you can have a happy and successful marriage.

How Do You Love God?

How Do You Love God?

Most people’s view on how to love God is based on what they feel. “I just feel like I love God.” The truth is our religion must get passed what we feel on a daily bases. What are some of the things we look for in a person who truly loves God?

Did Jesus Have a Mega Church?

Did Jesus Have a Mega Church?

The United States has more than 1500 mega churches. Did Jesus set out to build a mega church? Why did Jesus refer to His church as a little flock? When Jesus Christ returns to this earth will He have a mega following? Find out what you may be missing about Christ’s true church!

Climate Change

Climate Change

God is the only one that can cause the climate to change, but what does the Bible say about mans ability to destroy the earth?

Beyond the 10 Commandments

Beyond the 10 Commandments

Most Christians would say they observe and keep the Ten Commandments, but what about beyond the Ten Commandments? There are over six hundred laws in the Bible; do any of these other laws apply to us today? More importantly, what is the meaning behind the laws of God and how do we apply them today?

7 Holy Days

7 Holy Days

Very early in church history, the Sabbath was abandoned for Sunday keeping and God’s feast days were abandoned for Christmas and Easter.

Real Repentance

Real Repentance

What is the difference between being remorseful for your sins and genuine repentance?

Keeping Your Children In The Faith

Keeping Your Children In The Faith

Nearly all children abandon the church when they become teenagers. Why is this so? What could possibly keep your children firmly grounded in the faith? This program, Keeping Your Children in the Faith, provides the answers.

Is Simple Salvation The Truth?

Is Simple Salvation The Truth?

Salvation has been presented as the easiest thing you will ever do. Just call on the name of the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved. But what did Jesus say about this most important subject? What does the whole Bible say about this subject? Is it more to salvation than just calling on the name of Jesus?